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Publication, Part of

National Diabetes Audit - 2010-11

Audit, Survey, Other reports and statistics
Publication Date:
Geographic Coverage:
England, Wales
Geographical Granularity:
NHS Trusts, GP practices, Integrated Care Boards, Regions
Date Range:
01 Jan 2010 to 31 Mar 2011


Links to 2010-2011 National Diabetes Audit reports. Report 1 shows Care Processes and Treatment targets and Report 2 shows Complications and Mortality data.

NDA 2010-11: National Report 2 Updated - 14.06.13

Sections of this publication using multivariate analysis have been updated on 14 June 2013, including bullet points in the executive summary, paragraphs  throughout the main report and the entirety of Appendix 3; Odds ratios for diabetic complications. This is because of errors in the categorisation and modelling of these statistics. A full list of the sections that have been amended is available below:

Executive summary: Page 7 of main report


Bullet point regarding association between DKA social deprivation and sex.


3 bullet points regarding associations between Heart failure and risk of short term death, deprivation, and ethnicity.


Bullet point regarding Chronic Kidney Disease, and its association with diabetes type, sex, and ethnicity.


Bullet point regarding association between mortality and social deprivation.


Complication of Diabetes in England and Wales: Page 9 of main report


Paragraph starting "Multivariate analysis.".


Long Term Complications - Multivariate Analysis: Page 14 of main report


Whole page


Chronic Kidney Disease: Page 15 of main report


2 Paragraphs starting "The stages of CKD that have the greatest clinical impact." and "Multivariate analysis.".


Mortality: Page 16 of main report


2 Paragraphs underneath the heading Multivariate Analysis starting "As is true for the general population." and "When looking at the short term associations between.".


Appendix 3 Odds ratios for diabetic complications Pages 47 and 48 of the appendixes


Whole of appendix 3

NDA 2010-11: National Report Updated - 28.09.12
The treatment target section of this report was updated on 28/09/2012, an error in the data processing rule for HbA1c meant that patients who had their HbA1c values submitted as a percentage had not been included in the reports leading to a misreporting of HbA1c and treatment target bundle completion. This has now been corrected. No other figures were affected.

This national report from the eighth year of the National Diabetes Audit (NDA) presents key findings on care processes and treatment target achievement rates from 2010-2011 in all age groups. The care processes and treatment target standards are specified in NICE Clinical Guidelines and the NICE Diabetes in Adults Quality Standards. The NDA also reports on the complications of diabetes; statistics about diabetic kidney disease, mortality and other complications. These will be published in stages over the next 6 months.



Treatment targets for glucose control and blood pressure control are less likely to be achieved in people with Type 1 diabetes than people with Type 2 diabetes. When combined with their longer average durations of diabetes, this predicts higher levels of future complications for people with Type 1 diabetes.

People under the age of 55 years with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes are less likely than those who are 55 years and over to complete all their annual checks or achieve their treatment targets. They represent one quarter of people with diabetes.

Services for younger people with diabetes that were more effective in delivering the full 'care process bundle' and achieving treatment targets would yield particularly large health and health economic benefits.



  • 2,150,634 patients were included, 87.6 per cent of those with diagnosed diabetes, an increase from 81.1 per cent in 2009-2010.
  • 82.8 per cent of GP practices in England participated, compared with 77.9 per cent in 2009-2010.


  • 85,176 patients were included.
  • 49.4 per cent of GP practices in Wales participated, compared with 39.8 per cent in 2009-2010.


Last edited: 24 August 2020 3:47 pm