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Publication, Part of

Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) - 2014-15

Official statistics
Publication Date:
Geographic Coverage:
Geographical Granularity:
GP practices, Sub-Integrated Care Boards, Integrated Care Boards, Regions, Country
Date Range:
01 Apr 2014 to 31 Mar 2015


This Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) publication provides data for the reporting year April 2014 to March 2015.


18/01/2017: Previously age-specific register sizes were given with unadjusted numbers of registered patients in the prevalence CSV files. Prevalence rates in the CSVs based on these figures were incorrect. This has been corrected in: PREVALENCE_BY_AT.csv; PREVALENCE_BY_CCG.csv; PREVALENCE_BY_PRAC.csv; PREVALENCE_BY_REGION.csv; PREVALENCE_BY_SUBREGION.csv; PREVALENCE_ENGLAND.csv


17/11/2015: Updates to the main report and excel spreadsheet entitled 'QOF 2014-15: Exceptions at practice level, all domains' have been published. These correct the overall exception percentages. The list size percentages for those aged 75+ have also been updated in the region-nation and sub-region-AT spreadsheets. All updated figures are highlighted in yellow in the documents.


The QOF was introduced as part of the new General Medical Services (GMS) contract on 1 April 2004. The objective of the QOF is to improve the quality of care patients are given by rewarding practices for the quality of care they provide to their patients.


The Calculating Quality Reporting Service1 (CQRS), together with the General Practice Extraction Service2 (GPES) was used for the extraction of QOF data.


There have been many changes to QOF coding and indicators. These are referred to throughout this publication. Consideration must be given to changes to indicators and their definitions each year when interpreting differences and comparing data from one year to the next.


27th November 2015

New data has been released today showing the practice register sizes for Heart Failure due to LVD. This is available in 'Resources' below.


QOF recorded prevalence
Recorded prevalence for 2014-15 is presented for 7,779 general practices in England.

The highest prevalence rates are for Hypertension (13.8 per cent), Obesity (9.0 per cent) and Depression (7.3 per cent).

Hypertension (7.8 million), Obesity (4.2 million) and Asthma (3.4 million) are the conditions reporting the highest register numbers. This is consistent with previous years.

The largest year on year differences in register numbers are in Cardiovascular disease (decrease of 1.2 million) and Depression (increase of 392,771).These are predominantly due to changes in the QOF indicators; these are detailed in the appropriate sections of the report.

QOF achievement
Achievement for 2014-15 shows that:

The average achievement score for practices was 529.6 points out of 559. This is 94.7 per cent of the total available compared to 93.5 per cent in 2013-14.

The highest achievements were for Obesity and Epilepsy where almost 100.0 per cent was achieved.

448 practices achieved the maximum of 559 points. In 2013-14 there were 162 practices which achieved the maximum of 900 points.

QOF exceptions
Exceptions for 2014-15 show that:

The average exception rate across all relevant indicators is 5.5 per cent.

The condition with the largest number of exceptions is Cardiovascular disease at 30.0 per cent overall.

The group with the largest number of exceptions is Mental health and neurology at 14.6 per cent.


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Last edited: 8 December 2021 5:52 pm